Whats 20 of 60 – 20% of 60

Whats 20 of 60

Quick Answer: 20% of 60 = 12

We Explain Below Whats 20 of 60 With the Help of 3 Methods

Method 1: Percentage Formula

The percentage formula is a fundamental way to calculate percentages. It can be represented as:

Percentage = (Part / Whole) * 100

In our case, the “Part” is what we want to find (20% of 60) and the “Whole” is 60.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal. 20% is equal to 0.20 (since 20/100 = 0.20).

Step 2: Plug the values into the formula:

Percentage = (0.20 * 60) * 100

Percentage = 12

So, 20% of 60 is 12.

Method 2: Using Proportions

Another approach to solving percentage problems is by using proportions. We can set up a proportion to find the unknown value.

Step 1: Set up the proportion:

20 / 100 = x / 60

Step 2: Cross-multiply and solve for ‘x’:

20 * 60 = 100 * x

x = 1200 / 100

x = 12

Method 3: Understanding Percentages with Real-Life Examples

Percentage calculations are widely used in everyday life. Let’s consider a practical example to understand how to apply this concept:

Imagine you are a store owner, and you want to offer a 20% discount on a product that costs $60.

Approach 1: Using the Formula

Discount = (Percentage / 100) * Original Price

Discount = (20 / 100) * 60

Discount = 0.20 * 60

Discount = $12

So, the discount on the product is $12, and the new selling price after applying the discount would be $60 – $12 = $48.

Approach 2: Using Proportions

Let’s set up a proportion to find the discount amount:

20 / 100 = x / 60


20 * 60 = 100 * x

x = 1200 / 100

x = $12

The discount amount is $12.

In this problem, we found that 20% of 60 is 12 using both the percentage Calculation formula and proportions. In real-life scenarios, understanding percentages allows us to calculate discounts, sales tax, tips, and various other practical situations involving proportions and fractions. It’s a crucial concept to grasp for making informed decisions in business and personal finance.

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