What number is 80% of 60?

What is 80% of 60

The Quick Answer For What is 80% of 60 is 48 Calculation is In the Below 

Step 1: Understand the problem

The question is asking for a number that represents 80% of 60. In other words, we need to find 80% of 60.

Step 2: Convert the percentage to a decimal

To work with percentages calculations in mathematics, we often convert them to decimals. To convert 80% to a decimal, divide it by 100:

80% = 80/100 = 0.80

Step 3: Set up the equation

Now, let’s denote the number we are looking for as “x”. We want to find 80% of 60, which can be represented as:

0.80 * 60 = x

Step 4: Calculate the answer

To find the value of “x,” simply multiply 0.80 by 60:

0.80 * 60 = 48

Step 5: Interpret the result

The result is 48, represents 80% of 60.

Different approaches to Calculate 80% of 60:


Another method to solve this problem is by setting up a proportion. We know that 80% is the same as 0.80 in decimal form, so we can set up the following proportion:

0.80 / 1 = x / 60

Now, cross-multiply and solve for “x”:

0.80 * 60 = x

x = 48

Mental Math:

If you’re comfortable with mental calculations, you can use quick mental math to find the answer. Since 80% is close to 100%, and we are looking for a number less than 60, the result will be less than 60. Additionally, 80% of 60 is the same as 4/5 of 60. So, you can calculate it mentally as:

80% of 60 = 4/5 of 60 = 4 * 12 = 48

All three approaches lead to the same answer, which is 48. Therefore, 80% of 60 is 48.

Solve 80% of 60 With Real Life Example

Imagine you conducted a survey with 60 participants, and you want to determine what percentage of the participants preferred a specific product or option. Let’s say 80% of the survey participants expressed a preference for the particular item.

Step 1: Understanding the Survey Results The survey revealed that 80% of the participants preferred the specific product.

Step 2: Calculating the Percentage To find out how many participants preferred the item, we need to calculate 80% of the total number of participants (60).

80% of 60 = 0.80 * 60 = 48

Step 3: Revealing the Final Answer Out of the 60 participants surveyed, 48 participants (80%) preferred the specific product or option.

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