What is 85 Percent of 40? 85% of 40?

what is 85 percent of 40

Quick Answer for what is 85 percent of 40 = 34

Let’s Calculate what is 85 % of 40 Step by step

Today, we’re going to tackle the Percent calculation of “what is 85 percent of 40.” Percentages are a fundamental concept in mathematics and are widely used in various real-life scenarios, including discounts, taxes, and statistics.

Now, to find 85 percent of 40, we’ll use a straightforward method. When we say “percent,” we mean per hundred, which is represented by the symbol “%.” So, 85 percent is equal to 85/100 or 0.85 as a decimal.

Method 1: Multiplication

To find 85 percent of 40 using multiplication, we’ll multiply 0.85 (the decimal equivalent of 85 percent) by 40:

85% of 40 = 0.85 * 40

Now, let’s do the math:

85% of 40 = 0.85 * 40
= 34

So, 85 percent of 40 is 34.

Method 2: Proportion

Another method to find the same result is by setting up a proportion. We can say that “85 is to 100 as x is to 40” and then solve for x:

85/100 = x/40

To find x, cross-multiply and then solve for x:

85 * 40 = 100 * x

Now, divide both sides by 100:

x = (85 * 40) / 100

Now, let’s do the math:

x = (85 * 40) / 100
= 3400 / 100
= 34

So, 85 percent of 40 is 34, and we have the same result using the proportion method.

Calculate of what is 85% of 40 with Real-life example:

Let’s consider a real-life example. Suppose you bought a shirt that originally costs $40, and the store is offering an 85 percent discount. To calculate the discounted price, you can use the methods we just discussed.

Method 1 (Multiplication):
Discounted price = Original price * (1 – Discount percentage)
= 40 * (1 – 0.85)
= 40 * 0.15
= $6

Method 2 (Proportion):
Discounted price = Original price * (Discount percentage)
= 40 * 0.85
= $34

In both methods, the discounted price of the shirt is $34, saving you $6 from the original price.

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