What is 2/3+3/5 as a fraction?

What is 2/3+3/5 as a fraction

Quick Answer is = 19/15 = 1 and 4/15

Follow the Steps For Calculation of What is 2/3+3/5 as a fraction?

To add fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is the least common multiple (LCM) of 3 and 5, which is 15.You can also solve this with our Fraction Calculator tool.

Now, we’ll rewrite both fractions with the common denominator:

2/3 becomes (2/3) * (5/5) = 10/15

3/5 becomes (3/5) * (3/3) = 9/15

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can add them:

(10/15) + (9/15) = 19/15

However, 19/15 is an improper fraction (the numerator is greater than the denominator), and it can be simplified. We can express it as a mixed number:

19/15 = 1 and 4/15

So, 2/3 + 3/5 as a fraction is equal to 1 and 4/15.

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