20% & 15% Tip for 50 Dollars

15 & 20% Tip for $50

Giving a Tip is a nice gesture. The tip varies in different places. If you are in a restaurant, a 15-20% tip is fine; if you are in a bar, 1$ per beer tip is fine. You can calculate tip manually or take a help tip calculator.

Let’s Calculate 20% Tip for 50$ Bill.

According to the formula:
20 = (x/50)*100
20/100 = x/50
(20/100)*50 = x
10 = x
20% tip on $50 = $10

Total Bill: 50+10 = $60

If you Want to Give 15% Tip for 50$ Bill, Here is the Tip Calculation

15 = (x/50)*100
15/100 = x/50
(15/100)*50 = x
7.5 = x
15% tip on $50 = $7.5

Total Bill: 50+7.5 = $57.5

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